Now you can take Google everywhere your mobile phone can travel! This is pretty cool of Google to adapt in this way. The basis of this services lies in Google Short Message Service, that allows "you to easily get precise answers to specialized queries from your mobile phone or device". Hope that its applicable to our everyday lives though, it kinda seems like one more thing we can add to our roster of "need to figure out newfangaled gadget" list. Found this tidbit actually on John Battelle's blog in my musings around looking for news in the forums.
Here is the explanation provided by Google of their new services:
Send your query as a text message and get phone book listings, dictionary definitions, product prices and more. Just text. No links. No web pages. Simply the answers you're looking to find. For example, to find a pizza joint in a specific neighborhood, users can send a text message to the 5-digit U.S. shortcode 46645 (also GOOGL on most mobile phones) with the query and city or query and zip code, i.e. [pizza 94043], and immediately receive the name, address, and phone number of local pizzerias in that area. This type of concise information can help mobile users find exactly what they're looking for anywhere and any time.