Do you find link development the most boring and hated part of the SEO game? Do you sometimes find yourself pulling out your hair over building links? Do you sometimes want to take a hammer to your computer due to link building?
A thread at WebmasterWorld titled Just can't get myself to do link development is a place you can come and share your frustration with others.
The thread creator said;
My brain hurts just thinking about link's such a tedious, boring process.
Some other quotes;
Dirtiest job in SEO but the most important.
Everyone hates it [link building].
Some positive words of encouragement;
I love trying to get links. It is like a treasure hunt.
Think of $,$$$,$$$ in a year or two ahead.
As I submitted this entry, I noticed the Link Building Blog wrote an entry named Life of a Link Hunter, which links to an animated video of "a very talented link building consultant."
Great timing & how fitting...