The blogs and forums are buzzing about a rumored sneak peak of Google Drive, or GDrive or Platypus. Cocaman discovered this, and posted a screen capture of the page which he found. What did it say?
Platypus (Gdrive)A filer for the world. But better.
Storing your files in Platypus has a number of advantages over storing your files on either your C: drive or filer.
* Backup. If you lose your computer, grab a new one and reinstall Platypus. Your files will be on your new machine in minutes. * Sync. Keep all your machines synchronized, even if they run different operating systems. * VPN-less access. Not at a Google computer? View your files on the web at * Collaborate. Create shared spaces to which multiple Googlers can write. * Disconnected access. On the plane? VPN broken? All your files are still accessible.
Philipp has more details on it here.
Forum discussion at DigitalPoint Forums.