There was an interesting post on, regarding what it takes for the Slurp robot (which is the main Inktomi spider) to grab most of the pages on someone's website. If you check your logs, you might find Slurp only grab a few pages, but at other times grab many more pages all for free. Folks, this bot has a mind of its own sometimes. Its well behaved, but quite selective. While Inktomi is primarly a Pay For Inclusion based engine. Where you have to pay for each page you would like to get indexed. If your website has achieved a certain age, plus high quality inbound links, quality content, and a smile from Inktomi, then its likely your page will eventually make it into Inktomi for free. Usually its takes a number of years (possibly less) in order to get this type indexing, its worth noting that new sites will not always get spidered completely by Inktomi. So don't fret if you submit the homepage, and it the only thing that is found in Inktomi. Time is all it takes (which little of us has these days). So its recommended that if you can't wait, submit those pages your have optimized for Inktomi and you feel would be best suited, and worth the money for indexing in Inktomi.
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