I knew about this a few days ago but promised to hold off on the news (not sure why). Anyway, now that it is mentioned in this months Danny Sullivan's Search Engine Report's Search Engine Resources section, I think its a safe bet to mention it here.
Proogle was released this week and is basically a replica of Google but shows the PageRank of a site (much like the DMOZ listing) under each result. The PageRank is real time and this looks to be the tool of the month. Here is a snapshot of a result:

Also, Proogle made it clear on the homepage that they do not want to be sued by Google stating, "Google, Please don't sue! If you want me to take this down, just say." I find this funny, but downright honest.
Forum coverage will be developed over time, current forum coverage at:
- Webmaster Forum
- WebRankInfo (French)