Over at HighRankings Forum, a member brought up a comical example of his confrontation with Flash. He tried to click on a link from Macromedia's Web site (company that owns Flash) and received the following message "Macromedia Flash Player version 7,0,19,0 was detected. To view the Edge, you need the latest version, Macromedia Flash Player 6,0,47,0. You can download the free Macromedia Flash Player now."
But this is the comical part...On that page, there was a link to Jakob Nielsen's 117 design guidelines for Flash developers and presto, I got the following.

But this is a search engine related site, so what does this have to search engine besides for most hating flash? Search engines love text. Having said that, let me quote from Peter Da Vanzo.
Flash can be good for branding, in so much that someone looking at it might be impressed with your brand. But I don't think anyone visits a website simply to be impressed with the brand.The site needs to inform. A flash website can inform, but most flash sites seem to have so little to say. I don't know why that is, but I suspect it is because too much emphasis is placed on form. This suits brochureware, of course.