A thread at Cre8asite asks Which SEO Ebook Would You Buy? Respected SEO professionals such as Peter Da Vanzo and Ammon Jones suggested two books but explained the differences between the two.
The first book is named Winning the Search Engine Wars by Planet Ocean. Ammon Jones said this book is great "if you simply intend to tinker with your rankings as a webmaster, then "Winning the Search Engine War" is a good book with many instantly applicable ideas."
However Ammon strongly recommends Mike Grehen's Books Search Engine Marketing: The Essential Best Practice Guide. He recommends it because "Mike Grehan went and actually interviewed the people who researched and wrote the actual search algorithms. As the quote goes: they didn't tell him the algorithm, but they talked happily, and in detail, about the ingredients. You'll be very unlikely to find this info anywhere else." He continues to say, "Mike Grehan's book takes the other approach, and the one I myself work to. It doesn't just look at what works, it looks at why. It tracks the trajectory of the search algorithms so that you can predict its probable position in a month, or three, or six."