Weekly, I log in to my Orkut account with the intention of deleting all the spam in my inbox. I expect it, it is waiting for me and then destroy them. I am actually thinking of emailing Orkut's developers for a feature request. The requested feature would be an easier way to delete the messages in the Orkut inbox. Currently they display 5 messages on one screen. I can then click "check all" and then delete the messages. It would be much more efficient, if I can see 50 messages on one page and then check all and delete that way. What I do now is repeat the process of deleting mail 5 pieces at a time, it takes too much time.
In fact, I received a spam message asking people not to spam. The subject of the message was "Gosh Stop Spamming!!!!". Now how funny is that. This is like pre-school.
Here is a screen image of me half way through my deletion process, including the spam message to stop spamming.