Relevancy's Importance in Microsoft's Quest

Jul 2, 2004 - 5:40 pm 2 by
Filed Under Bing Search

Google is the number one search engine because of its search results. Google's search results (to the most part) are more relevant then all the other search engines. Every competing engine talks about how and why their search algorithms are better at bringing back more relevant search results then the next. Most say, that is why Google is the leader in the industry, they have more relevant results then the rest.

My question is, will relevancy make a difference when Microsoft enters the search race?

I am not questioning whether or not Microsoft can build a more relevant engine then Google or Teoma. What I am questioning is if Microsoft needs to build a more relevant or equally relevant engine.

Let's take two areas where Microsoft monopolizes on. The first is the operating system market. Is Windows a better and more user friendly operating system then Apple's OS X or Linux? I don't think so. How often do I hear people complaining about how stupid Windows is. All the complaints on computer crashes and issues with viruses or spyware make me sick. Why do you Windows people accept these issues? Why don't you switch to an Apple computer? Second example, Microsoft's Internet Explorer. In reality it is a poor example of a Web browser. All the IE exploits where a hacker can take over your computer and destroy all your files, simply because of a single exploit in IE. IE doesn't have tabbed browsing or other basic functions one can find in Firefox and other popular, non Microsoft, browsers. Why do you use IE?

The answers to these questions is that you use Microsoft products because you always had. Computers came out, it was easier and cheaper to buy a PC running Windows on it then to buy a PC with Linux or an Apple computer. Now that you have Windows pre-installed on your PC, hey, Internet Explorer is on it, so its easy and cheaper to use IE then an other browser.

I can see the same logic being used for MSN Search. There is no doubt in my mind that MSN Search one day will be built into the Windows OS. It will be easier and cheaper to use the built in and pre-installed MSN Search then to use Google, Ask or Yahoo. You'll "live with" less relevant results, because its easier and cheaper to use something that is pre-installed. And as MSN Search gains market share, the results will get worse and worse. Just like IE keeps getting worse and worse, as compared to the newer browsers available today. Why? Because Microsoft has captured the market and the searcher has no where else to go. Because its too hard to type in into my browser, I have MSN Search built into my OS.

I am afraid for the future of search, a future where relevancy does not matter as much.


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