Have you ever run a campaign and let a keyword perform so badly that the keyword was disabled? Many people who deal with AdWords had this happen to them at least one time. So what can you do to re-enable a disabled keyword in the Google AdWords program? This was the topic of a forum thread at Search Engine Watch.
The Google AdWordsRep at SEW Forums had this advice:
* First delete the keyword everywhere it occurs in your account. If it is disabled in one place, it will be disabled everywhere it occurs. And if you don't delete them all, then it is still disabled - and you won't have success re-using it.* Re-use the keyword in a new Ad Group. Consider following Mikkel deMib Svendsen's advice about making it a "phrase match" or [exact match] if was broad matched before.
* Ideally, your 'problem keyword' would be the only keyword in the new Ad Group (other than negatives).
* If the keyword is broad matched or "phrase matched" then use negative keywords to your advantage, to prevent your ad from showing for searches that are not relevant to what you offer.
* Shop for negative keywords in the first 100 or so search results for that keyword. (Or more, if you have the time and patience. )
* Write the best possible ad that is about exactly the same thing as the keyword.
* Consider putting the keyword in the ad's headline, while keeping in mind Mikkel deMib Svendsen's advice. At the very least, make sure the headline is clearly about the same thing as the keyword.
Using these tips, and Mikkel deMib Svendsen's, you'll have your best shot at recovering a problem keyword.
For Mikkel deMib Svendsen's post, please click here.