In light of recent publicity and events surrounding SEMPO, an outpouring of concerns hit many of the top Search Engine Marketing forums, including IHelpYou, HighRankings, Cre8asiteForums, and SearchEngineWatch. Beneath the dissatisfaction or allegiance towards the still-developing SEMPO, crept in some thoughtful posts, led by Bill Slawski, an Administrator at Cre8asite.
His research and detailed insights into how organizations are run, aided by other forum posters who picked up the on the positive vibe, helped launched a new thread. In it, people are asking questions, making clear statements on their needs, and requesting a �Show of hands� for support for what could be a new phase of growth or recognition for the SEO/SEM industry.
The most exciting aspect is the idea that everyone be represented.
In After SEMPO: Should We Start a Trade Association? Bill asks,
"What are the things that you would look for in an organization that actually represented the industry?
What would its purpose be?
How would people communicate with each other? Is it something that could be done, not in a conference room during SES seminars, but on the web?"
The forum thread opened discussions including whether an organization should set standards and provide rates that anyone could afford, including students learning the trade.
Bill also wrote:
�I don't think we should go quite go so far as to lay out the groundwork for a new organization. Exploring all of the options is a good starting point. Any group that might be created would definitely benefit from a clear statement of purpose, and a clear understanding of who the members should be.
Let's get a sense of what that clear statement of purpose might be.�The thread is evolving into a purposeful discussion focused on new ideas and solutions, plus a true �wish list�. No doubt, SEMPO Board members and members who support SEMPO and its mission, will see it. Perhaps they might take heed of some of the suggestions. In addition, it�s quite possible that some other individuals with the drive, time and energy will create something new based on the input provided by thread participants.
The intent is not to bash SEMPO. It�s not the beginning of a new Cre8asite project (heaven knows we�re busy enough!). Rather, it�s a giant room in which anyone can sit and listen, no matter who they are. Anyone who works in a field related to SEO, such as web design, usability, copywriting and traffic analysis may find a group of people who want to join forces with them and see what new possibilities there are.
As Bill says, �We can explore what it means to be a trade association, and what one that represents the industry as a whole could be.�