Which is Better 10,000 or 100 Links? Linking Methods Discussed

Sep 9, 2004 - 7:37 pm 0 by
Filed Under Link Building

Depending on who you ask, the answer could go either way. 10,000 links is definately better in quantity but what about the quality of the links? Will Google or another engine treat these as the same as if it were 100 links each from a different site? There is an interesting thread over at SEW forums, about which would be better 10,000 or 100 links. The member, iamrussell, quotes the company offering such services for the 10,000 links:

"The difference is simply that Google can devalue links from one IP after a certain number (I've seen suggestions of 50) - but this doesn't at all mean that multiple links from any site are in the least bit bad, simply that links from as many C class IP blocks as possible are much more preferable - which is precisely what our Link Network provides."

I think that the real answer to this question comes down to how you plan to use the links. The culmative nature of how the links are obtained and how often the links are picked up by Google in particular. You can stress over C class blocks all day, but unless a link is spidered by a search engine it carries no value for your website, other than assist a user to a useful resource. So you can have 10,000 links, but possibly Google will only know of 100.

Most likely obtaining 10,000 links on over 100 sites is an attractive service. I would try it to test it out. It not only can help you increase your backlinks, but it can improve your search engine rankings. However, getting 10,000 links in one month, doesn't mean that you will see results from these links within one month. The reason because 10,000 links from even 100 different IP's will ultimately take several months in order to get picked up by the search engines. If they are lower pagerank links, then it might even take longer for you to see an impact. To illustrate, consider blog spamming. I get spammed regularly by "unmentionable" websites almost every other day. You may too, and its a constant battle to keep blogs clean and outbound links pure.

But why do blog spammers go after blogs not use a services like obtaining 10,000 in a month? The answer lies in the ability for a spammed blog link to get picked up by the search engines at a rapid rate. Instead of waiting months for your links to get spidered, you obtain a quicker benefit from blogs, because their content changes rapidly, daily, weekly, and hourly in some cases. Google can pick up this though Googlebot, and will make sure your new content is quickly found by a searcher, and hence the spammed links on your blog. If you do a search for any of the drug related keywords, or even "mesothelioma" you will find websites that rank in the top 10, that use blogs, questbooks, and other content publishing systems for the base of their backlinks. They want an instant benefit (that may not last), not one that will grow over time, like using service mentioned above.

Check out the thread over at SEW, 10,000 links or 100 links


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