Smart move, Yahoo! has partnered with Adobe, the popular Acrobat reader software "is used by more than 500 million people and has become a common format for viewing documents over the Web and in e-mail attachments." The official press release can be found at Adobe's Press site and also check out the CNN article which says:
Under the deal, Adobe will first introduce a co-branded Yahoo browser toolbar that users can choose to install on their computers when prompted to download an update of Acrobat Reader.The toolbar -- an increasingly popular method of online search engines to stay constantly visible on a user's Internet browser -- will feature links to Yahoo products and services as well as Adobe's Web-based subscription service that lets people convert documents into the Adobe PDF file format.
Later, the companies said, the toolbar will add features such as the ability to quickly convert Web-based content into Adobe PDF files.
Yahoo search will also be built into a future version of the Acrobat Reader, allowing users to search for more information from within the document without going through the extra steps of launching a Web browser.
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