Peter Da Vanzo, a moderator at Cre8asite Forums and author of a funny reading Search Engine Blog said he is tired of waiting for dmoz and started his own directory named

In a thread at Cre8asite, started by Peter, which he so elegantly named Blatant Self Promotion he asks the Cre8asite people for feedback. The basic information in the thread includes: -$25.00 review fee -two day turn-around -anchor text friendly -much promotion planned for 2005
Which he then adds to by explaining that the structure or layout isn't going to be much different then the competitors but: -The content makes the difference. That will come. Already started, in fact. -Ontology is a wonderful science. Often overlooked. -The presence in the market is different. Some directories are able to market more effectively than others. It's not just about form, it's also about delivering real value to stakeholders, and building effective relationships. Anyone can open a shop. Not everyone can open a successful shop on the high street.