Over at SEO Chat a member is complaining about Yahoo! including a relevant result to a Yahoo property at the top. Do a search on Beatles at Yahoo and you will see under the sponsored ad, a Yahoo Shortcut. The Yahoo Shortcut for this result leads you to either the Beatles page on Yahoo! Launch or if you prefer to buy a CD, it will lead you to Yahoo! Shopping with Beatles CDs.
How is this any different then what Ask Jeeves is doing with that result? They are probably doing a better job. Of course Google is too pure to shove you commercial results unless you specifically ask for it. But I personally would like to see Froogle results included in the Web results at the top Beatles CDs for sale when I search for Beatles CDs.
Is Yahoo! stealing results? I don't think so. I think they are using their large network of content and quality information to make for a better user search experience.