Last night Google was on the second 30 minute slot of CBS's 60 Minutes. You can pretty much read the transcript at the previous link. In the show, I saw Matt Cutts, Marissa Mayer and of course the Google founders along with Eric Schmidt, whom you can see in the second picture from the top. In addition, it looks like John Battelle wrote up the text version of the show for CBS.
One of the cool things they showed that Google was working on this technology that showed any location in the world in 3D. So they typed in an address and is smoothly zoomed in to the location entered in, in this case, the location of the GooglePlex. In addition, they showed this 3D globe that shows bars of dots and colored lights, that represented the number of searches conducted around the blog at any given time. Further more, they said that they are working on translating any page into any language (um, babelfish is how old?).
Enough about my thoughts, what did others have to say? There is forum coverage at:
Different views on the interview at the different forums. Keep in mind, it seems as if this interview was aimed at beginners. CBS had to target the mainstream during a prime time TV spot.
After writing this, and waiting for my server to come back online I found that Gary Price over at SEW Blog wrote on this not once but twice.