This morning I was thinking about how kids are always told to finish the food on their plates. So of course, that leads me to think of how that relates to search. The search engines normally give us a 1,000 results when conducting a query. Most people do not go beyond the first page, and for sure not past the third page.
What type of manners are we teaching our children by leaving over 990 to 970 search results. These search results are free, donated by our friendly engines, and we just take a quick peak at the first 10 - 30 results and dump the rest in the trash?
We live in a life of extreme convenience. Cell phones, email, Web browsers, GPS, home delivery of anything, and search. This entry is a bit of an exaggeration, however, think about it. Will this attitude of having 990 leftovers roll into a more social issue for humanity. :)