To celebrate the historic event of the 20,000th registered user for DigitalPoint's Keyword Tracker, he integrated a geeky product named Ambient Orb with the keyword tracking tool. I just bought an orb, its damn cool for a geek like me, but it has a programming defect, I need to ship it back to Ambient to get fixed.
So how does it work with the keyword tracker?
The manufacturers offer a developer kit/API to control any orb that has been setup for developer access. So, for pure geek factor, we've setup an option in the keyword tracker to automatically update your orb based on your ranking movements for the day. The greener the better your rankings are doing. The redder the orb, the worse they are doing. After you run a "Check All" for your keywords, the keyword tracker sends an update signal to your orb with the appropriate color.

Forum thread at DigitalPoint Forums.
I personally will be having this programmed with my internal custom project management system as an employee motivational tool.