There is a new thread at WebmasterWorld named What should Yahoo do to lure adsense publishers? where members discuss what would entice them to move from Google AdSense to the new Yahoo! Publisher Network.
Here are some of the suggestions pulled from the thread: - "defined percentage split" - "option to run multiple contextual programs on the same pages" - "more payment options like direct bank deposit or Paypal" - "More detailed stats (e.g. page by page)" - "All they have to do is to offer more $$" - "Negative words filter would be a winner in my book" - "much more detailed real-time version of Google's channels" - "A huge advertiser inventory in order to deliver very relevant ads like Adsense mostly does." - "I'd like to see a program just for quality sites." - "steadiness in earnings" and so on...
Side note: I am told that this site will be one of the first to beta test the new program by Yahoo! and Overture, so that is a bit exciting.