About a month ago we reported on Title Tag "index": Google Dynamically Inserts Content. A WebmasterWorld thread named Site Missing, Google Now Shows "Untitled" where a member reports that his site, which has a title, shows "Untitled" in the SERPs. In the older entry, with the title tag being dynamically inserted into the title of the SERPs by Google (and also saw some cases by Yahoo!), it was the other way around. Now Google, due to issues with ValueWeb (SEW Thread). The WebmasterWorld member reports:
If I search for www.example.com, there is no cache, just a title ('Untitled') and description ('UP'). *However*, clicking on that link takes you to example.com (no www.). If I use the Google Toolbar to check the cache it says:
This is Google's cache of h**p://example.com/ as retrieved on Apr 19, 2004 23:48:31 GMT.
Nice finding these odd cases.