Last Thursday we reported on one of the first Google X Clones. I asked the "cloner" in the thread to let us know who contacts him first, Google or Apple. It looks like Google was the first to send an email to the cloner. Last night jmfrance posted the following email from Google translated from french.
It has come to our attention that you use functionalities related to the Google brand (commercial logos, Web pages, screenshots or other Google functionalities) on your site without the preliminary authorization of Google.
You must imperatively obtain the authorization from Google to use on your site one of the functionalities related to the company trademark. This restriction is mentioned in our terms of use that you can get for the address
If you continue to use these functionalities related to the Google brand on your site, a Google representative will contact you.
We thank you for your comprehension.
The Google Team
Just interesting to see how these things pan out.