Huge news for those who love API based keyword tracking tools, DigitalPoint has added support for Yahoo! and MSN results. I believe the MSN tracking component is through the RSS feed supported at MSN and Yahoo! is through the new API (but you might need to host something on your side because of the IP based limitation). I know Shawn has been working on this for a week or so, and now its here. I was notified this morning of it, while it was being tested and now its public.
Thread with more details over at DigitalPoint Forums.
Shawn told me some more information regarding the Yahoo! component:
I give users a PHP script they can plop on any server that supports PHP. The requests are then seen as coming from the user's server.
Nice also because International users always want to see results as a German user sees them for example... so this solves that problem too... if the user uses the script, MSN and Yahoo are enabled... but also Google queries go through their script
Again, sorry for the quick post, crazy day.