We almost have a total of 5,000 rated searches at RustySearch, when we hit the 5k mark, I will publish revised stats, including new types of reports. But I really want to get a wider and more representative sampling. I know larger news sites are reading this, please help out this small search engine industry, by driving people to RustySearch: The Search Engine Relevancy Challenge.
The four major search engines have went beyond the call of duty to help us gather this data. I promise to provide detailed raw data to the public, but I will be excluding IP addresses to protect user privacy. However, I will be converting the IP address into a unique number, so you can use that unique number to see the number of unique searchers.
If you have more ideas on how to get the word out and do not want to leave a comment here, please contact me directly at barry AT rustybrick DOT com.
Sample of Text Ads:
Try The Search Engine Relevancy Challenge, by making RustySearch your default search engine for two weeks.
Which Search Engine is the Most Relevant? You Decide at The Search Engine Relevancy Challenge.
Sample of Banner Ads: