You can blame me and the thousands of other dmoz editors that simply log in once or so a month to review submitted dmoz listings. I assume, it has become overwhelming for the senior editors to track down normal editors to locate the status of certain submissions.
Threads at Search Engine Watch Forums, Cre8asite Forums and WebmasterWorld all discuss the official news.
Following discussion by, and consensus of Moderators and Administrators of this forum, we have chosen to discontinue site status checks effective May 21, 2005 ... There were a number of factors involved in making this decision, but probably the biggest was that these requests were always beyond the mission of this forum. The original mandate of this forum was to put a better light on the ODP by allowing the public to interact directly with the editors. At some point the submission status requests seem to have taken over and almost become the focus.
See full explanation at

In the threads listed above, members discuss the pros and cons to such a decision and what they could have done to help keep it open.