Looks like MSN Search has come up with a clean start page for its search, somewhat like Firefox has done with Google.
In a WebmasterWorld thread, the thread starter lists out the 'official' (is it?) start page at http://www.start.com/3/. A few posts down, someone else tries out, http://www.start.com/1/ and http://www.start.com/2/.
Senior Member, MarketingGuy at WebmasterWorld says:
/1 and /2 were earlier versions. They released /3 with a sort of competition thing (using MSN search I seem to recall, but I could be wrong) - each correct answer revealed a part of the new URL (was kinda cool! :)). Wouldnt be surprised to find that this was a small project - seem to be toying with different ideas, etc.
DigitalPoint Forum members feel the start page is more Google-like.