MSNdude, official MSN Search WebmasterWorld representative, posted a new thread at WebmasterWorld named Some new ways to search. In this thread he details two new releases made by MSN this week.
The first is "a new set of operators for searching" at MSN Search. Danny Sullivan wrote up the story on the New Feed Searching Commands at MSN. Examples include; feed:"hurricane katrina" which Danny explains, "the feed: that allows you to tell MSN Search that you want to search for material just within feeds it has indexed, rather than across web pages and other documents." Also, hasfeed:google which Danny explains, "hasfeed: that's supposed to bring back any page that links to a feed that has those words in the feed content, from what I understand."
An other useful command is the hasfeed: which shows all feed URLs on a particular site.
The next thing MSNDude announced was Microsoft Unveils New "The new version includes support to indicate what feeds have been read or unread, automatic updates, as well as capabilities to show more or fewer headlines based on a user's preference." Check it out at, past discussion on under the title Microsoft Start Page.