Before accepting invitations within Yahoo! 360 I try to do my background checking. For some reason, this one slipped through. I received an invite from "CARAMEL_KISSES", her named sparked some investigative work, so I checked our her profile page but it looked fairly clean. So I decided to hit that "accept" invitation button. Then when viewing my home page, where it syndicates all the new items for my connected friends, I saw some porn news feeds coming in. So I immediately removed CARAMEL_KISSES from my friends list.
You won't see those feeds on her profile page, unless you are a connected friend (I assume). I forgot to take screen shots of the feeds, so I have no evidence now. But trust me, the URL of the feeds was from world-se* (put a * there so a stop filter wouldn't trigger on the ads). I have also reported her to Yahoo! 360, just now. Nice spam tactic, if that was what was intended.