Msgraph, known for his postings of complex patent applications, posted two new threads at Search Engine Watch Forums.
The first I want to share with you is one that might make you cringe. The thread is titled, Patent App For Behavioral Monitoring Desktop Application. Msgraph explains that this is really scary stuff;
Imagine all of your actions being constantly monitored in order to build personalized search queries. Those last words you typed in a Word document or IM window. The e-mail you just sent. What words your cursor is next to. The text you copied to the clipboard. All of it constantly monitored and processed, in real-time, locally and/or using Google's search engine in order to build search results for you in case you need them at a moment's notice.
Little brother. :)
The next thread msgraph started is on Gmail patent application requests, he titled the thread GMail Patent Application Bundle. It is a bundle of patent applications, because he linked to six different applications in that one thread. Here they are;
- Providing snippets relevant to a search query in a conversation-based email system
- Displaying conversation views in a conversation-based email system
- Identifying messages relevant to a search query in a conversation-based email system
- Processing messages in a conversation-based email system
- Email conversation management system
- Rendering content-targeted ads with e-mail
There is your light weekend reading for you.