As randfish reports Changes to SEOChat, members in SEO Chat Forums are revolting against the administration.
The recent changes include; - nofollow tag added to sigs - deletion of many old posts - rewriting of all URLs - a weird looking sitemap at footer of forum homepage - banning of many seo chat members - several mods recently resigned
There is a revolution going on at SEO Chat, the members feel like they were slapped in the face. No warning of this came.
You can discuss this freely at SEO Moz (rand's blog). DigitalPoint forums is probably the place most of the disgruntled members will flock to. Three recent threads sprung up;
- Seo Chat Changes Bring Me Here - SEOChat deleteing threads and banning highly respected members - SEO Chat members will be flocking here soon
Is this the end for SEO Chat or will SEO Chat prevail?
Update: Word comes members are deleting their posts. Taking back what they gave SEO Chat forums.
Also, Cre8asite is welcoming SEO Chat members in the Welcome SEOChat Members thread.