Outstanding news, you can now search WebmasterWorld with MSN Beta (at least for the time being). Receptional reports If you want a search solution for Webmasterworld;
A standby solution is to go to your control panel in WebmasterWorld, select "system Preferences" then in the "insert custon code at the top" put in:<center><form method="get" action="http://beta.search.msn.com/results.aspx" target="_blank"><input type="hidden" name="cp" value="1252" /><input type="text" name="q" size="25" /><input type="submit" value="MSN beta" /><input type="hidden" name="q1" value="site:webmasterworld.com" /></form></center>
The quality of the results will probably degrade over time, but it is at least a short term solution for people.
Insert the code above in here:

And you will get this box at the top:

Or you can do a simple site search command at MSN Beta, like so.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld's MSN Forum.