WebmasterWorld Administrator, BakedJake called Google AdWords support on Monday, MLK Day, and received a message that said The AdWords support team is temporarily unavailable. Please leave a message...
The question to Jake was; was AdWords closed for MLK or were they out for lunch. If they were closed for the holiday, then why not say, AdWords support is closed today in observance of the national holiday.
The thread gets discussion-ie :) when it starts to get into the reason Google doesn't offer 24/7 support coverage. One member says;
an someone please explain why Google Adwords does not provide 24/7 customer support? Their business caters all types of businesses and runs 24/7/365.They can surely afford it: - $138 Billion Market Cap - $5.5 Billion in cash on hand
Then there is discussion about it being a holiday. But many folks say that it is not a holiday outside of the United States. Where is the global support?
But it looks like Jake's rep did touch base with him that day, towards the end of the day. No word if it was a holiday for Google or not.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.