On a positive note for Google and its customer, Google added demographic information to enable more granular targeting of searchers. Before, this was a feature exclusive to the MSN adCenter beta PPC system, but now Google has it. Jenstar at SEW Blog has a recap on Google AdWords Launches Demographic Site Targeting, describing that you can break down by Gender, Age, Income, Ethnicity, and if they have Children. She also adds that AdWords allows you more advanced use of this then adCenter, "presently, adCenter allows demographic targeting by gender and age group, however adCenter splits age between five age groups while AdWords offers six."
Where does Google get this information from? Not Gmail, not Orkut or other Google properties. They get it from comScore Media Metrix and is United States only, so if you are not geo-targeting the US then you won't get the demographics options, within site targeted campaigns. More information at What is demographic site selection?
Here is a screen capture of this interface:
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Forums have not yet begun buzzing about it, so here is the list I have so far.