Since implementing the Google Coop product for this site, I currently have 21 subscribers, which is a lot, I think. But after using it, I think it can be quite useful for those who "trust" this site and the content on this site.
Currently, the special subscribed links will only show related matches for queries that exactly match on our category names, which is not so many. At the same time, I don't want subscribers to feel that this site is matching on all queries they enter in. If that happens, I am sure they will quickly unsubscribe. So I need to find a balance, of what queries I can dynamically implement that are relevant to those that "trust" me. Pretty cool how this system seems to be self-regulating.
Over the next few days, I will be adding support for searches and results with character sets !, ?, and :. Currently, we stripped those because of some issues with Google parsing them properly. We will be adding them in shortly. Also, we will be running the updates to Google once a day at noon time, I figure that is the best time and we don't need it to be done hourly or in real time. We will also be adding a static query set for searches on 'search engine roundtable,' 'seroundtable,' 'ser,' 'seo roudntable,' 'seoroundtable' and 'se roundtable' to display a dynamic result set of the three most recent posts.
Then later on, middle of next week, I will be adding a database to specific other query sets and which results should be returned. So I may add to my query set the keyword "seo." If someone searches on "seo," I would want it to display the three most recent results from the search engine optimization category on this site. I may do the same for queries on "google," "ask, "yahoo" and so on. But I will be keeping it relevant to this site.
My question to you, and you can either post a comment, start a thread, or email me - is how far should I take this and would you find this useful? Would you find it useful to get articles about "seo" at the top of the Google results from this site?
And if you have not subscribed yet, why not give it a try by clicking here.
This brings me back to my early post about seo changing so quickly.