Have you ever accidentally searched for a number at Google? Practitioners of search engine optimization would probably agree that trying to rank well for a single digit in Google search results is probably a waste of time, except possibly for the testing that could be accomplished. How many searches are there per month for "1" or "2," or even "3275984," for example?
A thread at Cre8asite Forums describes how a UK member performed a search at Google UK without selecting "results from UK only," and was returned some interesting results. He found BBC Radio station websites 1, 2, and 3 listed as number one for each of the respective digit searches. This lead to others around the world trying the same thing, and it seems that media companies have the slight early lead in this rankings category.
I think personally that this could be an interesting marketing idea for a company with lots of money to spend on optimization and link building. We have discussed the merge of traditional advertising with search engine marketing here is the past. I could see pitching something along the Pontiac lines of: “Want to find our product? Search for the number 1 at Google.” Of course your competitor would probably buy the top paid listing. Also, this sounds like an SEO Contest in the making...
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