Some of you may have heard the name Vanessa Fox before. She is the one who posts at the Google Sitemaps blog and Google blog on occasion to give updates about the Google Sitemaps product. WebmasterWorld broke out a thread we have been tracking named Google & Webmaster Communications in where some members felt Google was slowing down on how they communicated with Webmasters.
Since Matt Cutts returned from vacation, it seems like all the Google people from AdWords, AdSense, Web Search and Sitemaps have really stepped it up. Vanessa just joined WebmasterWorld under the name vanessafox and she said;
I'm here and reading what everyone has to say (and taking lots of notes about what you would like). I'll do my best to answer questions, although I can't promise snazzy videos like Matt put together. :)
[snip] Googlers involved in this thread include:
- GoogleGuy
- Matt Cutts
- Vanessa Fox
- Adam Lasnik
Oh, Vanessa, this is for you - ☼ ☼ ☼.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.