Yesterday, I wrote about the news that eBay Signs International Paid Search Deal With Google at the SEW Blog. Since then, WebmasterWorld started discussing this.
eBay, the company that launched a competing contextual ad product named AdContext. eBay, the company that banned Google Checkout from use on eBay auctions and eBay store fronts.
That eBay has formed a partnership with Google to show Google ads on eBay international. Plus a click-to-call deal that is discussed here.
One WebmasterWorld member describes this deal as "It seems like they are playing on both sides of the fence."
But all in all, this relationship should be interesting. Yea, search on anything at Google and get an eBay ad. Go to eBay and now find a Google contextual ad. Oh, and yes, Yahoo also has an ad deal with eBay for the main US site. Fences.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.