Yahoo!, please enable a method of requesting that you do not display the Yahoo! Directory title in the search results. I mean, I know I like my title, because it is cute, but still, I rather the title listed in the search results pull from my title tag, or at least have an option to define that.
We won't think that you are being a copy cat, I am sure we will praise you like we praised Google and MSN. Your brothers each enabled the NOODP tag, that allows a Webmaster to tell the engines, no matter what, please do not use the ODP title in the search results. MSN implemented the tag on May 22, 2006, they were praised for it and Google implemented it on July 13, 2006 and they were praised for it.
We will praise you for implementing a NOYDIR tag or something like that.
It is the difference between showing:
Versus this:
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.