A featured WebmasterWorld thread argues if the news about Google renting their garage, the garage Larry Page and Sergey Brin rented eight years ago, to house their project, is worth being on the front page of WebmasterWorld or not. In short...
The article says;
The Mountain View, Calif.-based company bought the 1,900-square-foot home in nearby Menlo Park from one of its own employees, Susan Wojcicki, who had agreed to lease her garage for $1,700 per month because she wanted help paying the mortgage.When Page and Brin first moved into the garage, Google had just been incorporated with a bankroll of $1 million raised from a handful of investors. Today, Google has about $10 billion in cash and a market value of $125 billion.
Here is a snap shot of the Garage taken from SMH.au;

Folks in the thread argue if this is front page news worthy... People say anything Google does these days gets coverage, no matter how small or ridiculous. Others say that this is a critical piece of Google's history and Google wanting to preserve that is smart and cool.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.