Aaron Pratt at Cre8asite Forums asks why Google is showing us outdated PageRank values. He asks, "Can Google Multitask or is it in need of some serious upgrades?"
What is interesting is that this seems to come after Matt Cutts posted his more info on PageRank entry which explains all this stuff.
In short, Google takes their internal PageRank scores which is not a number between 0 and 10, but more of an exact "floating-point number." They then plot those numbers on a scale between 0 and 10 and then export that data at some point in time to the Google Toolbars.
Matt said;
At some point we take our internal PageRanks, put them on a 0-10 scale, and export them so that they’re visible to Google Toolbar users. If you’re splitting hairs about the exact date that backlinks were taken from, you’re probably suffering from “B.O.” (backlink obsession) and should stop and go do something else for a bit until the backlink obsession passes.
Why does Google just not show us our exact PageRank at this moment in time? We know they have it and they know we know they have it. It is the same reason why Google won't give us an accurate result set for our back links when using the link: command. Too much information, they feel can harm us. We are on a need to know basis with Google.
Let's take a historic look at this. Of course you can view our Google PageRank / SERPs Update section to read all 78 articles and stories we have on the various updates. But let me pull some out.
- End of Toolbar PageRank? remember when the Toolbar went blank? - GoogleGuy Claims PageRank Statement to be False in response to... - Google Tells Us that PageRank is for Entertainment Purposes Only - GoogleGuy Once Again Responds to Link Command
Those are some of the more important historic PageRank and Back link stories I have.
Forum discussion at Cre8asite Forums.