WebmasterWorld Pubcon Kickoff Keynote Address - Guy Kawasaki

Nov 14, 2006 - 1:03 pm 2 by
Filed Under PubCon 2006

Guy Kawasaki from Garage Technology Ventures, worked at Apple in the past. He makes fun of PC's and then begins his keynote. He worked at Apple in the mid 90s and he was responsible for convincing companies to write software for the Mac. He is pretty funny and made a ton of jokes... Wow, he nailed Microsoft, love this guy. He explains he have done things wrong, many things wrong, in his life time. He recently started blogging, he loves blogging, and he spends about 4 hours per day blogging. He then asks the audience for help ranking higher in Technorati.

Are of Innovation:

(1) Make meaning... Make people more creative and more productive. End something bad (MSDOS) and make something more good. VCs are looking for people who want to make meaning... If you start your company to make money, then you will attract the wrong type of people.

(2) Make a mantra, innovators need to make a guiding light that always stays consistent. It needs to be two or three words about why you exist. MBAs learn that you have to create a mission statement. You always have to make your mission statement offsite for two days and a really expensive offsite location. He describes that making a mission statement is a lot like making a baby, you need to push it out. There was joking that lead up to that line. He shows a bland mission statement from Wendy's that says, they provide superior quality through leadership, innovation and partnerships. The manta of Wendy's should by "healthy fast food." Nike, "authentic athletic performance." FedEx says "Peace of Mind." eBay says "Democratize commerce." Forget the mission statement, it is about mantras.

(3) Jump to the next curve. Creating the next curve, not getting to it. He explains the Ice industry, you had ice harvesters, then you have ice factories and then ice machines. Not one of the harvesters moved to the next curve, they just tried improving their own business. Like, innovating through making Arial in five new font sizes.

(4) Roll the DICEE. People who keynote say, "create a great product." He makes fun of that, because who doesn't want to create a great product. Instead, make a deep product. He showed a deep product, a sandal that is a sandal and also opens beer bottles. He shows a flashlight that takes multiple sized batteries. Completeness, he shows a Lexus - the service, the pre-sales, after sales, all the support around it. Elegant; the nano is an example. Emotive, like the harley davidson.

(5) "Don't worry, be crappy." Technology works, "we ship and then we test." He says, welcome to Vista. She revolutionary stuff with elements that don't work, or else you wont ship.

(6) Polarize people. Two people who quite a PhD program to build a program that the two people will want to use themselves. That means some people will love it and some people will hate it. Apple, Harely Davidson, TiVo (he has four TiVos), Toyota Sian car.

(7) Let a hundred flowers blossom. The start of innovation, sometimes people who you did not anticipate, will buy your product or use your service. Something is wrong. He said don't panic, take the money. Go to your current customers and sell them more.

(8) Churn, baby, churn. It is not OK to ship bad stuff and keep it that way. You must keep improving and not stopping. To be an innovator, you need to be in denial. As soon as you ship, you need to listen to people, as they complain. But before that, you need to be in denial about "it can't be done." Version 1 to version 2.

(9) Niche thyself. He makes fun of the graph that shows a vertical access with "ability to provide unique product or service" and on the horizontal is "value to the customer." Bottom left corner is "Dotcom," right side and bottom is "price," and top left is "stupid," finally top right corner is "high and to the right." An example of that corner is Fandango.

(10) Follow the 10/20/30 rule of powerpoint presentations. Pitch. 10 slides is a ppt is the best number. Give the 10 slides in 20 minutes. Best font size is 30 points. Smaller than that means you are going to be reading your slides and that is bad.

(11) Don't let the bozos grind you down. If someone with a lot of money tells you it can't be done, don't listen. He gave so many examples. Even one where he was a bozo himself.

Excellent Keynote!


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