Member PPC started a thread at Search Engine Watch Forums describing what can be a serious design flaw within Yahoo!'s new search marketing application, Panama. When you edit keywords in bulk by going to clicking on the ad group and then checking off the keywords you want to edit the keyword bids for, you are presented with substantially less data on those keywords than if you were at other pages. PPC says, the data on these screens makes it "very inefficient" for him to manage multiple keywords at once.
For example, on the primary keyword screen you see Avg. CPC (USD), Avg. Position, Impressions, CTR (%), Clicks Cost (USD), Conversions, Revenue (USD), CPA (USD), and ROAS (%) for that keyword phrase. Plus you get more data, here is a screen capture:

Now, if you select to edit multiple keywords, you are only presented with Current Bid (USD), New Bid (USD), and Prime Placement Range of Bids. You can also click on a link for "Bid Range for Top Positions" that opens up an AJAX box with more information. It looks like this:

I suspect it can't be too hard to add some columns of data to the edit keywords screen?
Forum discussion at Search Engine Watch Forums.