Mid December Google Officially Disallowed Images Near AdSense Ads and the forums went nuts. Now, people are coming up with new ideas on how to get images near their AdSense ads. One method discussed at this DigitalPoint Forums thread is to place a Google AdSense image ad unit near the Google AdSense text units. The member with the idea posted an example.

You can see, at the top are Google AdSense Ad Links, on the left side is a standard AdSense text unit and then on the right side is a AdSense graphic ad unit. You can specify if you want image ads or text ads or both, to show up in each ad unit block. So technically, you are not serving images near the text ads, Google is.
I think Google may be OK with this implementation, but you can't go by my word. It is important you first get confirmation from Google before trying this out.
Forum discussion at DigitalPoint Forums.