The Yahoo! Publisher Network is the system which allows bloggers and other web content providers to host ads from Yahoo! Search marketing's contextual advertising product. YPN has been ramping up its exposure greatly over the past few months, thanks to a solid PR effort. They had an excellent private party for publishers at Pubcon in Las Vegas, and followed up with an equally well received party for all attendees at SES Chicago. YPN regularly polls it users for feedback on important topics. Additionally, they have been posting quite regularly to their blog, including introducing a new series of posts which promise to give a summary of the results of their polls.
A thread at Digital Point forums discusses the latest poll offered to its publishers, and the biggest choice seems to be "Traffic" so far. Some seem to feel that many of the other choices lead to additional traffic, such as "Increased focus on good content." Since YPN presents this poll via login to the system, we have chosen not to present all the choices, and will let Yahoo! do that on their schedule.
If you are a member of YPN and have voted or have your thoughts on the best answers, please visit the Digital Point thread and share your answer and any reasons behind it.