Since I just wrote Open Advice to Yahoo! Regarding New Search Marketing Tool, Panama, I figure I highlight a WebmasterWorld thread that offers Yahoo! advice on their publisher network product. Here are some of the ideas from the thread:
- Ad Link Units (like Google Adsense offers)
- YPN for search and sitesearch (like Google Adsense offers)
- YPN referral links for advertisers to sign up with Overture (Like Google Adsense offers)
- Open the ad market to other countries. You can start with the other English-speaking countries, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
- Better targeting
- Option to delete old channels
- Option to enable/disable RON ads
- Quick and easy tool for management of multiple accounts ala adwords editor
- Better contextual targeting.
- Unique ads in every ad unit.
- The ability of advertisers to select which sites they'd like to advertise ("Advetise on this Site").
- Image banner ads!
- and more...
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.