Vanessa Fox posted at the Google Webmaster Central Blog that they will now be opening up commenting at that blog. I believe this is the first official Google blog to offering open comments.
There is one restriction. You must use a Blogger account in order to post a comment at the blog.
I posted my first comment here, just to mark my territory. But reading the comments is a bit awkward - they can do a bit of a better job on the user interface within the commenting area.
Vanessa wrote about commenting:
Our goal is improved communication with webmasters, and while our blog, discussion forum, and tools help us reach that goal, you can now post comments and feedback directly on this blog as well. This helps you talk to us about topics we're posting. We want to do all we can to encourage an open dialogue between Google and the webmaster community; this is another avenue to do that.
A Google Groups thread has Adam Lasnik discussing the enabling of comments on the blog. He responded to the restriction of requiring a Blogger account to comment:
Believe it or not, I just had to set up my own (corporate, not personal) Blogger account, and I had the same misgivings you've shared. But -- it took less than 3 minutes, and I *didn't* have to actually create a blog... just use your same Google Account e-mail address to sign up for Blogger and voila.
This is a huge leap for Google and I hope it works out.
Forum discussion at Google Groups.