So how long do you drag out the training process after you complete SEO or design work for a client? Sometimes they just can't get enough knowledge. Other times you feel like you are holding someone's hand though a painful process of learning a technology they just don't "get". There is a good thread on High Rankings that is discussing how much training is needed after the job is done. Some are saying that it needs to be clearly defined before you start the project. Add a training fee to the bill and charge for anything after that.
The member ttw had a good suggestion, she says,
"Our contract usually official concludes when the site is uploaded to the client's server and goes live. From that point on, we offer ongoing maintenance at a per hour rate -- which includes a minimum of 1 hour for each service request."
I like that. Usually I budget training time into the project and often its very hard to expect what kind of "training" you will need to do. It takes getting to know the client before hand and what their expectations are. There are clients that just wanted it "taken care of" and then there are those that "wanttoknowitall".
The member Carolinebogart has a good point about the situation, saying:
"Trick for me was figuring out when the stop training. Joomla is huge, intelligent clients like to know stuff. I break it out into where their talents are best used, entering articles, maybe adding a menu item. "Great way to look at it. Navigate to HighRankings for continued discussion.