This week, we found users Digging a little less (could it be that they didn't want Barry and me to work too hard once we returned?) but there were still some interesting stories that were found.
We spotted it ourselves, but a lot of people thought it was real. The April Fools joke is on you, suckers! Matt Cutts's blog was not hacked , but that didn't stop this Digg from hitting the main page (and then a few clueless souls actually asked me if I knew... hello, I
stalk watch Matt on Twitter!) Speaking of which, hey Matt, how come you haven't come back to Twitter since April 1st?
On the other side of that joke was the Dark SEO Team page which was presumably "hacked back" by Matt. I don't know these guys, but I didn't fall for that one either. Even Graywolf knew that he should refuse to be swayed.
Google's own April Fools joke had people running wires into their toilets (yeah, seriously) for high speed Internet. Similarly but not as Diggworthy was the announcement for Gmail paper.
After the joke ended, we resumed our regular programming. Ionut Alex. Chitu showed us the stylish new design in Google Notebooks
We know the big four, but did you know there are at least 100 other search engines?
And lastly (this is so short and bittersweet), the claim that SEO is dead was revisited once again. I know so many people who disagree with the guy.
Next week, I hope you all don't party up too much at SES NY or I'll just have to personally come up to you one by one and ask you to Digg more stories for my personal benefit. In the meantime, since I'll be covering just about every Wednesday time slot, I'm pretty sure that we'll resume our scheduled Digg Digest programming in two weeks. Stay tuned, and keep Digging!
If you do Digg a lot of stories related to search and want us to report your findings, please feel free to contact us with the URL to your Digg account page (but your username will suffice just as well).