It has been a while since I have compared Yahoo! Publisher Network with Google AdSense. I have seen threads over the past month or so, with complaints on the Yahoo Publisher Network.
A recent WebmasterWorld thread sums up all those complaints into one nice little package.
The issues publishers are noticing with the Yahoo! Publisher Network include:
- Ad targeting is extremely poor and getting worse
- Earnings are about two to for times less than with Google
- Click through rates on the ads are five to ten times less than on Google
Most of the responses to these numbers are in agreement. Most have agreed that Yahoo's ad are not as targeted, drive less of a click through rate and earn them less money.
I have not personally tested any of this but I am curious, so I am placing an ad below and I would love to see how relevant it is. Of course, I am not going to look at the earnings on this ad - so don't click it.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.