Traditional bookmarking seems obsolete. Adding a bookmark to your browser, to many, is a practice that has been since seemingly replaced by newer methods -- social bookmarking sites, if you will.
However, not everyone is aware of these social bookmarking sites, nor are they ready to abandon their traditional methods of bookmarking. A Cre8asite Forums thread touches upon this subject. In the thread, administrator EGOL suggests that traditional means of bookmarking stay intact, and social bookmarking methods through sites like not necessarily be implemented -- or at least done as a secondary option.
This is exactly what other members agree is the right thing to do:
Absolutely. For most visitors bookmark this site means triggering a bookmark in their browser. I would add social bookmarking micro-icons for the rest. It also comes out as more honest.
The other angle is whether to have social bookmarking sites only, browser bookmarking only, both, or simply some text saying "hey, press Control-D to bookmark this!". IMHO, you need at the very least the Ctrl-D text and some of the social bookmarking sites.
For those not ready to jump into the social bookmarking realm, you should make sure that if you include a bookmarking option, your website accommodates these types of users.
Discussion continues at Cre8asite Forums.
This article was written this past Monday and scheduled for publication on Wednesday, May 23rd.