Last week, we reported that Google To Shut Down AdSense Arbitrageurs. The WebmasterWorld thread has been hoping on that topic since. In fact, they just split the thread into a new thread over here.
Finally, in post number 639 in that thread, Google's AdSenseAdvisor has chimed in.
Hi all,Very interesting conversation.
I just wanted to say that while I can't provide any new information right now about the decision to close certain AdSense accounts, I am following this thread closely, along with many other people from all parts of the AdSense team. This decision was a long time in the making, and your thoughts and feedback are quite valuable to us.
Although AdSenseAdvisor did not say much, saying that he or she "can't provide any new information right now about the decision to close certain AdSense accounts" says that something is going on, if the thread didn't convince you otherwise.
I just guess we will learn more early next month.
Forum discussion continued at WebmasterWorld.